Sunday, July 09, 2006

Location, location

Real estate agents tell us that location is the most important part of where you live. For an artist, it's important to have surroundings that you love and things around you that inspire you.

This is my bedroom. Seven, my Manx cat is asleep in the sun on the fake fur. This stops REAL fur from getting all over my pillow. Hanging up is a beaded macrame belt and an old fan.

On the other side of the bed, you can see my rimu (native black pine) dresser with some of my old crocheted gloves draped over the little mirror. My collection of antique Chinese jade pendants hang on the wall.

Another macrame beaded belt hangs by the big rimu mirror, draped with my silk scarves. My black rabbit fur scarf lies below that, and there are 2 possum skins on the rocking chair by the bookcase (also rimu). My bedroom is a lovely sunny room full of my treasures.

Here's the little corner of my living room where once the entrance was. There is a tiny leadlight window above the Scotch chest. That's my Beach Babe doll that I made sitting up there.

This is also a lovely sunny spot, and here's the early morning sun coming through above the settee.

The last photo is my old china cabinet in another part of the living room. You can see some of my antique teapot collection in it, and my "Monet's Hexagons" quilt above. I love plants, and have them in most rooms.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

I love your rimu furniture! I have a spinning wheel (Little Gem II, by Majacraft) made of rimu. It's such a beautiful wood. Pity it isn't readily available here in Canada.